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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

UN-GO Episode 9

Kaishou decides to take part in a TV debate about his company, JJ Systems. All his biggest critics and opponents are there.
ah, the eternal question.
Around the same time, a figure called Full Circle has been releasing information about Kaishou's life and company and makes a statement that Kaishou may be trying to kill off his opponents.

At the TV broadcast, the station blows up, with Kaishou inside. But at the same time, Rie sees him leave the house. What on earth is going on? And where has Bettenou, the one who can make lies the truth, gone?

All the while, Inga has been acting strange and has been wandering off for long periods of time. What on earth is happening?

This part 1 episode of the arc sets up a curious little quandry. I am still not totally sure about what is going on. But by the end, Shinjirou seems pretty convinced he understands.

I generally like this show, but there is some weight that is laking. We get some semblence of character development, but it never really goes that far. The plot is interesting, but it crowds out the characters in it. I mean, what do we know about Kaishou, Rie, Shinjirou, etc. other than how they handle cases?
this episode is awesome!
Rating: B+

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