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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Guilty Crown Episode 9

Gai is out of town for a spell and Shu is left to his own devices. He ends up getting roped into a shopping trip with Hare that gets cut short when he suddenly runs into Yahiro, the very one who betrayed him a few episodes before.

Yahiro has been trying to keep his brother alive after having fled the facility where Jun (the brother) had been treated.

Yahiro ends up begging Shu for help and (like the genius he is) Shu agrees. He calls in some help and they make plans to harbor Yahiro and his brother.

But things don't turn out quite right. Not only does the escape end up a mess, but Shu makes a tough decision that is going to make it hard to face Yahiro. And it seems Hare has seen more than she should have (Lord knows from where).

I mostly liked this episode. No silly harem drama, less stupid Shu drama, etc. And i liked that there was something explicit about Yahiro being a total bastard but that Shu helped anyway because Yahiro's bastardness wasn't Jun's fault. There was just a little too much happening in this episode which made it a little hard to follow.

Rating: B+

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