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Friday, October 21, 2011

Tamayura ~Hitotose~ Episode 2

This show is like the corrolary to Kimi to Boku for this season. Or substitute for Ikoku Meiro? Maybe just in my world. Adorable girls doing adorable things. it's kind of like a more sacarine version of Azumanga Daioh in some ways. But there is still that underlying storyline of how we are affected by grief, both as individuals and in community, and how we face it and overcome it - turning those memories from sad ones to warm ones.

aren't sleepovers fun?

And [Nishi-Taku] is lights out on the type-setting for this series. they translated and typeset everything in this ep. Much love.

apparently one's mouth disappears when experiencing shock. who knew?

2 Ep Assessment: Watch.

Is that supposed to be a cat? 

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