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Friday, October 21, 2011

C3 Episode 2-3

[i was going to review Horizon EP 2. but it was so bad i couldn't do it. Dropped]

Fear gets a last name and goes to school. Most of EP 2 is very slice of life/school life esque. But then there's some scary woman with a claw and a bandaged shadow girl lurking in the background, so you know something is coming. and is that the student council president showering in some dominatrix outfit? what the i don't even...

I was going to do a non-sub shot of this, but that obviously would have been the wrong choice.

So claw lady finally shows up to kill Fear and...apparently Fear can bring it. And so can Kanoha.
this actually got interesting in a dark katanagatari kind of way. They are all "weapons" that have human forms. Kanoha is a sword. When Haruaki almost dies, Fear goes off the edge. ultra-tsun. She apparently is an inquisition torture device.

yandere. the best kind of dere.

Fear demolishes the claws girl and can't seem to shut herself off, almost killing Haruaki. overburdened by her curse and sins, she runs away. After passing out and reviving, Haruaki chases after her. he jumps into the sea after she has tried to kill herself.

Fear contemplating her death.

"Do i have a right to be forgiven for my sins?"

C3 did a better job than Blood-C of moving form "slice of life" to action packed freak show. the transition was quick and i am interested enough to keep watching. And it will be interesting to see how the "being forgiven of one's sins" plotline plays out. Usually this is done poorly.

(i watched Hadena for ep 3. my word. y'all didn't even translate stuff. avoid Hadena.)

2 Ep Assessment: Watch.

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