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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

ぼくはともだちblah blah Episode 2

 a thigh last week and now this. where will it be next week?

So our adventures with the Neighbors Club continue. How to make friends you ask? Gaming. That's right, gaming. Thus, this just became a moefied .hack// episode. The girls end up slaggin each other so they turn to a visual novel. and we enter Clannad.

this sums up the episode.

The show continues its focus on being a moe, fan-service, parody. To me, it feels like a filler show. If you are looking for something that covers those all important bases, then have at it. I find it a little tiresome.

it's not what you think

2 EP assessment: Stall.

A Nagato Yuki spoof character. Primary redeeming aspect of this episode.


  1. This week's eyecatch had the logo on the male protag's heterochromia-eyed, gothic lolita-clad, vampire-obsessed little sister's bare back this week, just fyi.

  2. hrm...that almost makes me want to watch it...
