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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kimi to Boku Episode 2

I thought i did a review for the first ep of this...apparently i never posted it. oops.

Shun helps a first year girl out and to say thank you she starts pulling pranks on him. you know, like elementary school students with a crush, right? It turns out the pint-sized yandere has had a hard go of it and take Shun's kindness to be mockery. But everything turns out alright in the end when she realizes that he is just that kind-hearted.

Shun, you are so cute. 

The theme throughout this ep is the idea of tulips blooming after the snow - that something can be covered over and seemingly lost, but that it can still come shining through on the other end. Like tulips, like feelings. It is a cute little lesson.

It's always what it looks like.

KtB is a hard one to place. As a school life/slice of life, it does well enough and while not much happens, it is profoundly easy to watch. I had found the first ep a little annoying, but this one was a bit more engaging.

[add your own caption]

2 Ep assessment: Watch.

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