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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

UN-GO Episode 1

Inga, you're a little creepy dear. (you can tell i like a show when
i forget to take screenshots...ergo, no title shot for this one.)

Is that Colonel Mustang i hear? yes it is, Chairman Kaishou! A tsundere daughter, a snarky father, a sarcastic maid, and a stylish attorney. Sign me up! But the story really revolves around Yuuki Shinjuurou the deterctive and Inga his freaking weird little sidekick. And Inga.can.transform. (into a hottie, of course.) We are given glimpses of something happening to Yuuki in the past, but it is left as mere foreshadowing at this point.

There is some shady business afoot and everyone is heading to a party. A well known businessman is throwing a party amid rumors of a scandal. But when Yuuki shows up, a crime is bound to happen.

Inga's power. 

I like this show, or at least this first ep. It's kinda like hipster anime. Fun stuff. The case was, however, a little to easy to figure out. But since it was one episode and it covered a lot of ground (character introduction, setting establishment, brief foreshadowing, etc.) I can forgive it that little indiscretion. And the OST is pretty darn good, especially the ED.

All told, this looks like it will hold up the noitominA mantel for this season.

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