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Monday, October 24, 2011

Last Exile - Fam, the Silver Wing Episode 2

Millia is sent with Fam and Giselle to deliver a message to the Turanian capital while Liliana takes a few ships to try to head off the invading fleet. But it doesn't look good for the kingdom or its king. Fam is called on again to whisk Millia off to safety. But things don't go as planned.

Our hero.

Dio is awesome in this series. Just saying. And BAD stuff happens in this ep. But this show looks really good. It gets better and better as the pieces come together.

Death Star run! Where's Wedge?

I am a little concerned about the art quality in this ep. There were some sections of considerably lower quality that i was expecting.

And the moon is on fire. and it has guns. or technically they were massive arms, but meh.

As for the timeline, i remember reading somewhere that this may be taking place in a parallel world that may not be too directly connected to the prior LE world. If you recall, the Grand Stream had some weird time/space breach thing going on (which may explain how Dio ended up in this story, as well as that other Guild punk).

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