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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Copihan Episode 1

I don't think anyone really knows about this show (or won't admit they do). Now I know why.

If you like this, then watch.

A few things before we start. Copihan's art design is done by the same artist who designed Hatsune Miku, so this show is primarily about character art. Second, the episodes are 5 minutes long. And they have an OP. yeah, no joke. And the first real scene was a pantsu shot. This is going to be interesting... Oh yeah, and for some reason we are 23 years in the future.

Yuzuki-chan goes and makes some pervy boys look stupid in a baseball game. Honestly, this show doesn't seem to have plot. Just cute characters and pantsu shots.

Aren't you adorable.

I don't think i actually like this. But i could watch the whole season and it's the same as, what, two regular episodes?

you wore that in public?

Rating: D
pantsu count: 3

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