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Monday, October 24, 2011

C3 Episode 4

Things can be a little awkward after you try to kill everyone.

picking up from Fear's post-psycho trip, post-suicide attempt. All seems to be somewhat well until "Mummy Maker" (bandages girl from the earlier eps) gives the group and ultimatum.

Nothing like some naked female bonding. Honestly, i like "Amanda's"character 
and hope this wasn't the end of her part in the series.

As the group tries to figure out what to do, Fear is forced to face some of her deep seated problems and her predeliction toward insane violence (sucks to be a torture Waas).


I cannot wait until the kill off the psycho chick with the stunted vocabulary. Seriously. But another decent episode.

What ecchi アニメ is complete without the bloody-finger-lick.

This show would be imeasurably better if it had more fluidity. Right now, it feels like the plot gets away from the pace and we end up with scene montages - moments of action not all that well strung together. 

Well, kudos for being honest. 

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