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Monday, October 24, 2011

Guilty Crown Episode 2

the fight winds down as the resistance forces scramble. Shu's use of the "void genome" proved effective, but it looks like it wasn't meant for him. Its "King's Power" to draw out power from individual people's genes is now in Shu's hands instead of Gai's. Shu is going to have to be involved, and immediately as "Undertaker" goes on the offensive.

This episode explains some of the background to the craziness that took place in the first EP. Voids and all that jazz.
every female character in this is かわいい and bouncy. Ayase above.

Pluses from this episode would also certainly include Ayase, the super cute, paralyzed mech pilot.

Shu found a new toy.

This was another great episode except for the fact that Shu still shows his "lame male protatgonist" colors at the end of it.


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