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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hyouka 6-8 (review of 7)

 Two thoughts for this intriguing, out of the ordinary onsen episode.

The first was how this show feels more like a Nisioisin series than Medaka Box does. In fact, the feel of this episode was much in the spirit of Zaregoto (minus the dead people, of course). While mytery series are certainly nothing new, the story lines and dialogue are engaging.

Second. Onsen episodes are usually the stuff of gratuitous fan service. Here we get none of the usual female bodily exposition (in fact, you spend more time watching Oreki's half naked body than Chitanda's and Mayaka never goes to the onsen). The one "ecchi" scene was both deliciously sexy and somehow still quite demure. You don't see much of Chitanda, but how you see her and how Oreki is thinking of her are highly charged. Well done.

Rating: A-

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