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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Working`!! Episode 2


Two eps in and I have to say I am a little disappointed with the show so far. While there was nothing particularly deep and meaningful about the first season of the show, it at least mixed in more interesting situations to the generally funny give and take of the characters.

Um, Yamada, that's friggin' creepy.

This season, there have been too many old jokes and repeat problems. We get that Taneshima-san hate being called small and short. We get that Sato-kun and Todoroki-san have a bizzare unrequited love type relationship. And Inami hits guys. Lets do something with that and move forward. None of the plot build up from the first series is carrying over and that is just subpar story-telling. Also, Ooto-san is a wasted character. Please leave him out of the rest of the series. thank you.

Don't worry Popora-chan, I still love you. ずっと。

Best WTF face ever? たべん。

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