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Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall 2011 Season Preview (What I am Watching)

Definite Watch List:

Last Exile 2 - The first series of Last Exile was, in my mind, the best steampunk show/movie out there. Although I was less than pleased with the ending of the first series, the narrative world in which it takes place is deeply engrossing. And, honestly, anything with character design by Range Murata is worth watching.

Working`!! - Oh my, this show. As slice of life as you can get, Working is about just that: working. At a Denny's-esque family restaurant. Honestly, there isn't much that goes on in this show (this is season two, fyi). It is very like K-ON! in that way

Un-Go - This is another show I am not entirely sure of. It is another mystery show (ala Gosick and Kamisama no Memochou) but there seem to be enough good pieces (seiyuus, Bones, etc.) that make this one I am very curious about. Also, it is in the noitimA slot, which has been gold the last few seasons. So I am excited. about this.

Chihayafuru - This is my pick for the sleeper of the season (as in, the underrated show that will turn out to be fantastic). Ostensibly, it is about a game. Someone calls out a poetic couplet and you are supposed to snatch up a matching card. Sounds fun right? Well, the manga for this is great and that is enough for me.

On the Fence:

Guilty Crown - I really don't know what this is about. I am judging this merely based on...gut feeling. I don't know. It sounds like a more twisted To Aru blah blah blah (I mean, the right hand? again?). I don't mind that. I like the To Aru... series.

Mirai Nikki - The basic idea is that the main character has a diary (on his cell phone) that writes the future. He writes to an "imaginary friend" Deus Ex Machina (subtle, i know) who turns out to be real and asks him to take part in a survival game. I hear the manga was incredible, but it smacks of Battle Royale gone supernatural, so I am a little hesitant to get excited about this.

C3 - A cute girl with a curse shows up in the form of a cube and wants to become more human. There is so much cliche going on here it can't help but be interesting, right? Well, from EP one it looks like a less engaging Denpa Onna whose blue-haired girl isn't nearly as cute (and whose space-out act is more annoying than endearing). I give this one more EP before I drop it.

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere - Oh man, this show sounds so fun. But once I saw the preview I am no longer really sure. So conflicted (please don't be as lame as I fear you are...). (***EDIT***) Saw EP one. It wasn't as bad as I expected. It was worse. This show may not even get to my "two episode test" limit.


  1. The first two sound really interesting (I am fascinated by the visuals in steampunk), the others not so much. "I wasn't as bad as I expected. It was worse." <--- I laughed when I read that part XD What was so bad about it?

  2. No content. It is prettily drawn characters with big boobs and flashy weapons who don't do anything interesting. I can't believe I finished the first ep, really. I MIGHT watch the second ep to see if this actually will develop a story. but the first ep was a waste. Reminds me a little of Tower of Druaga's first episode, which was actually all a joke.

  3. That's always the saddest thing to me. I don't watch anime JUST for pretty pictures. It needs to have a story too or else it's just a kid's cartoon. Though it is true that sometimes the pilot/first episode has to tread water before the true story can get started.

  4. yeah...but this was mindless. You can get away with what I call "atmospheric" shows if you do them right (i LIKED K-ON!, Denpa Onna, and Ikoku Meiro no Croisee and they really didn't have much plot - just character development/exploration) but this was riding too many tropes.

  5. Gotta say I'm really excited for last exile. I loved the first one and hope this one doesn't disappoint.

    Will probably check out Guilty Crown because it is produced by IG and they make high quality stuff. Not sure if the story will be interesting though.

    Mawaru Penguindrum is continuing this season. It has been so intense for a while now and I don't see it slowing down. Yea, I'm pretty psyched about it. Also so much symbollism it'll make your head hurt.

  6. I didn't have the energy for Penguindrum. i keep DLing the EPs, but i will likely just come back to it later.

  7. Glad Penguindrum is continuing this season.

    My only definite watches this season are Working`!! and whatever Hidamari Sketch things are being released, but I'll almost certainly be watching Last Exile 2 just because the setting of the first one was so great. Hopefully they don't flub up the ending again or lose the feeling of the original after its 8 year hiatus.

    I'm also interested in the others on your 'Definite Watch' list just because I'm not sure what to expect from them as well as Mirai Nikki because I've heard good things about the manga.

    I probably won't even give anything else a chance.

  8. Chihayafuru ep 1 was out the other day and was really good! so definitely check it out. i will try to get a review up soon.
