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Monday, October 17, 2011

Chihayafuru Episode 2

In this episode, we pick up right after Chihaya having discovered the world of kurata. there is a little bit of a hurdle as Taichi's threat to isolate Chihaya for defending Arata were in no ways empty. Chihaya faces Taichi claiming that there are things to like about Arata: he can beat anyone in kurata. in fact, Arata bets that no one could take even a single card. so starts the episode.

The tournament gets crazy when Taichi tries to cheat to make up for Arata's amazing skill. But at the last moment, Chihaya jumps in to help him. Of course, this is a small problem as Chihaya doesn't really know the cards.

The ending is really cute. Taichi is far more concerned about the winning or losing, but Chihaya is blown away by how much fun she had.

Yes, Chihaya, you can be a queen.

This show is fantastic. The dynamics of the the relationships between the characters are well written and the show has a good natured feel to it. It has the best storytelling of the shows

And I still just love the OP. And Chihaya is totally my anime crush for this season (the older version).

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