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...an [e]clectic collection of comments on Japanese language, literature and culture.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

By way of introduction

はじめまして。Cole です。どおぞ よろしく!

I am a third year graduate student in sociology. I do research on religion, particularly the development of Christianity in modern China. Though most of my research interests are China related, I also have working papers on digital media and even one on how religion is depicted in anime.

I have a number of reasons for picking up Japanese:
(1) One of my projects involves the period of Japanese occupation of China and I would like to be able to do archival work.

(2) I want to be able, at some point in my life, to read Kawabata Yasunari and Endo Shusaku in Japanese.

(3) I have a few close friends who are Japanese and I would like to be able to talk with them in their language.

(4) anime and manga. I mean, this must be 80% of us, right?

えと、i think that's all for now.


  1. こんにちは!
    I was very interested on the two authors you mentioned that you would like to read about, Kawabata Yasunari and Endo Shusaku. I love reading literature from every culture and any time period. I definitely began looking into the Hesburgh library to see if they had any books on them.
    I hope you're dream comes true in reading those authors' works in their native language, 
    がんばつて ください!Maybe down the road we could talk and analyse about their works in 日本語!

  2. Besides what メリツサさん just said, you are such a good designer! I looove how your blog looks like!

    Btw, 私は「セイ」です。中国人です。
    And...right now, I wouldn't really call myself a Christian, mainly because I don't think I'm qualified to say so. However, I can say without doubt that I believe in God :)

  3. Another Endo Shusaku Fan here! Chinmoku is one of my favorite books, I never considered reading it in Japanese but I definitely plan to now.

  4. For those wondering, the background picture is from a Makoto Shinkai film. If you haven't seen his works, they are worth watching. I *have* some of them if you are interested.

  5. I've read Musashi's Book of Five Rings and Yamamoto's Hagakure: Book of the Samurai and they are both beautiful pieces of literature. My hope is to, like you, read these texts in Japanese because, undoubtedly, a translation to modern Japanese and THEN to English must have tampered with those little intricacies of literature that give it fluidity and rhythm.

  6. I like your blog background too. I've heard of Makoto Shinkai, yet I havn't had the chance to watch any of his works. Also, what you are researching on sounds interesting. As a Buddhist, I like comparing the history and development of different religions.

  7. いい BLOG です!!
    I love your research !! Don't know if I can help you with something, after all you might know more about China than I do... And I'm happy to learn Japanese together with you~
