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Monday, December 19, 2011

UN-GO Episode 10

the drama heats up in this episode as Kaishou appears as a witness in the case concerning the explosion he survived. So much happens, however, that i will leave out the spoilers.

Suffice to say, the ramping up of the narrative that took place in the last episode continues full speed in this one. It looks like Un Go, for all my up and down feelings about it, is going for a strong finish.

My one concern is that this show is driving toward some kind of narrative arc resolution, but has too much to resolve. This has reminded me, off and on, of Dantalian no Shoko, but that show didn't strive for a complete narrative. it was far more content to be episodic and intriguing.

I don't have terribly high hopes for the wrap up and half expect a half-baked resolution, but i am willing to be surprised.

Rating: A-

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