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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tamayura ~Hitotose~ Episode 10

With the other girls making great strides in pursuing what they want to be and do (Potte with her photography, Norie with making sweets, and Maon with...well, stuff), Kaoru is feeling a little out of sorts. She loves making potpourri but doesn't see that as something she can do into the future.

As she becomes a little depressed, the other girls get worried about their friend and press her to share what is on her mind. But Kaoru holds out, not wanting to burden them.

But her friends won't let it go and, with the help of Kaoru's strange sister, throw a little surprise gathering to help her feel better. But Kaoru has already found peace about it and even has a great idea for how the girls can showcase their budding interests.

As always, sweet, poignant, and calming. This show is at once the most childish and the most mature thing i watch (the topics aren't mature, but they are dealt with in a mature fashion).

Rating: B+

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