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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Last Exile - Fam, the Silver Wing Episode 9

Eh, not my favorite episode. We deal, this week, mostly with mop up plot elements (picking up the downed Ades flagship, etc.) and unraveling the little yuri love-triangle that we had brewing for the last few episodes.
Dio 2.0 so much more awesome.
With the capture of the last ship, Fam and Gisey are free to go. But will they really leave? Gisey wants to get home to family, but Fam is still committed to helping Millia.

This leads to a blow up between Fam and Gisey. The two find they need to work out their feelings and what is really important to them.

The resolution fell flat for me. I don't know if this is a cultural thing, but i can't count the number of times these situations are resolved with the character who has been wronged doing something like, "Oh, i'm sorry for feeling upset about being emotionally walked all over." I don't understand how that is a satisfactory resolution to the problem.
I particularly feel that way because the end result is that, ostensibly, noting changed. Sure, they expressed feelings to other people about how they felt. But there is never any real resolution between Gisey and Fam.

The only major plot twist in this episode is that Vincent is back.
Well, look who isn't dead.
Rating: B

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