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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

C3 Episode 10

My feelings about this whole episode.

I had not wanted to write more reviews for this series as the narration is annoyingly disjointed, but I am going to anyway.

Holy fan-service! That is basically the driving force behind this ep as we get to see as much of the student council prez, Kirika, as one could want. I can't post half the screenshots from this for fear of the moral state of my soul.

After a confrontation with a pursuer from the Biblios Family, girls keep popping up dead. Our heroes view this as a challenge and set out to stop the menace.

There is a massive fight (wherein Konoha's hair turns blue for a moment?) but they can't stop the woman who is both hunting Fear and apparantly commiting the murders.
That's Konoha. no joke.
During all this, Kirika is being blackmailed into not helping Haruaki and his friends. She has some secret she doesn't want him to know (and is the cause of all the fan service).

In the end, the group stumbles upon some information that makes it seem that the culprit in the murder cases is closer to home than they had thought.
Describes this whole ep. I only posted the tame stuff. 
Nothing much more to say. If you don't really like fan-service, this ep will grate on you. Lucky you if you do. Otherwise, same critiques as always: great art, narrative is splotchy at best, and this whole thing could benefit from a Bakemonogatari-esque sense of pace.

Rating: B- (for non-service fans) B+ (for service fans)

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