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Friday, November 4, 2011

Tamayura ~Hitotose~ Episode 5

Chihiro comes for a visit! And of course she messes it up in the cutest ways possible. And she comes complete with all her ridiculous facial expressions. Yosh!

My first day in 京都「きょうと」 was kind of like the walk they go on  in this episode. My friends miscalculated how far it was from the えき to Kiyomitsudera and we ended up walking for almost 2 hours. とても たのしですね! 

yup, you get to climb a friggin mountain. enjoy.

Chihiro is a little hesitant around all of Fuu's new friends, but through IMMENSE PAIN AND SUFFERING (joke, joke) they all bond together.

Warm fuzzies.

Rating: A- (mostly for the gratuitous momoneko cameo)

The many faces of Chihiro-ちゃん.

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