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Thursday, November 10, 2011

C3 Episode 6

This was the best thing about this episode.
A new cursed tool is introduced, only it's gone missing. i guess that happens when they are anthropomorphic, ね? She turns out to be a doll that controlls dolls. Hence, plushies battle royale.

This episode is primarily filler in a show that struggles to maintain its plotline. Again, it feels like we just leap from scene to scene without much of a fluid sense of narrative.

Oh, the narrative irony.
so to make up for that, this ep brings back the ecchi to make you *think* there's plot. tricky, ね?

and this was the tame stuff
Seriously, keep the english lines out of these shows unless you are willing to get someone to pronounce them correctly. i know it may not matter in Japan where no one can really tell the difference, but that is some serious ear-cancer. And for the love, get the English right.

not with that face!

Rating: C+

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