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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate 1

The first episode of KSC is a bit busy and none too informative. A number of basic plotlines emerge: a club president with some tragic past, the looming shutdown of the main characters' club, mysterious dirty dealings that result in a young girl being badly injured, and as harem a setting as you would expect from an eroge adaptation.

But the mix of serious and silly stories makes for a weird experience. Everything seems so lighthearted that its hard to see this as anything but a romance/school life show that is going to try and do too much. Albeit, it was hard to know exactly where this all is going to go from just this first ep.

Positives? Morishita. Seriously. she's like Nagato Yuki minus superpowers, plus cat ear-esque hair. Win. The art and character design is similar to Amagami SS, which is a plus. And the yaoi jokes are kind of funny.

Rating: B-

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