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Monday, July 9, 2012

Arcana Familia 2

my face after watching an episode about chasing a damn cat.

Wait, what? Did the action series of the summer season really just have an episode -  and the second, let's-rope-in-the-audience episode - entirely focused on chasing and returning a kitten?

Felicita is distraught about her father's recent pronouncement. The others are looking out for her feelings, but this almost makes her more upset. So she distracts herself helping Nova find a kitten and using her Arcana to return the hapless furball.

Bored.To.Tears. Rule number one about when a shounen series is getting tired is that it turns into a slice-of-life. How can Arcana already be pulling that in the second episode? I thought this was a shoe-in series for this lackluster season, but if the next episode is like this, I'm not sticking around for the plot to thicken.

Rating: C+ 

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