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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Arcana Familia 1

the ojou in question.
The titular Arcana Family, a vigilante go-gooder mafia-esque group with special powers linked to the names of tarot cards, is shocked by the news that the family's Papa is thinking of retiring. But what is more shocking is that there will be a deal between the arcana wielders for not only the position of the next Papa but also for the hand of his daughter, the fiercely independent Erica.

The first ep works more as set up than as anything else, so it is hard to judge how good this might be. We get a short version of who the family is, what the arcana powers are, and then a lot of set up for the coming duel. I'm hoping that the characters aren't going to be as 2D as they are initially looking (i.e. filling in the usual stereotypes for a typical shounen).

Rating: B (for being almost totally stage-setting)

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