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Monday, April 23, 2012

Mysterious GF X 2

Now that Urabe and Tsubaki are dating, Tsubaki is trying to figure out what exactly should be happening. I mean, swapping spit - literally - is one thing, but what else do boyfriend and girlfriend do? In this process of figuring that out, Tsubaki (and the audience) are reminded that this is no ordinary relationship.

Two memorable scenes involve the first use of the panty scissors and a risky move on Urabe's part to prove the depth of the bond that they share.

and the infamous scissors arrive. that can't be comfortable.

I still love Urabe's voice actress. The fit is perfect. And the show remains well done but rather bizzare. Not for the everyday viewer, but for the slightly tweaked in the head (sadly, including me...) it is oddly entertaining.

Rating: B+

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