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Friday, November 11, 2011

Tamayura ~Hitotose~ Episode 6

Flashback episode with lots of Loli Maon-tan, including the possible origin of her love of whistling? But it's also the story of Potte and Maon's meeting.

But not just them! Kaoru and Norie show up as well. (Why haven't any of them changed in like, oh i dunno, ten years?).

Norie-chan seems to have always been uber にぎやか.

so damn cute...

Somehow, everyone starts crying and Maon comes to save the day. way to go Maon-tan.

everybody's crying?
Maon-tan to the rescue!

We then jump ahead a few more years to see again how Maon-tan's whislting becomes part of her life with her friends.

gotta catch 'em all. wait...wait...

Nothing too special about this ep. Same old warm fuzzies and a lot of loli.

don't you?

Rating: B

PS!  WHY WAS I UNAWARE THAT THERE IS MORE TAMAYURA!!! there was apparently a 4 part OVA before this.

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