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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last Exile - Fam, the Silver Wing Episode 4

Fam pushes her plan to catch the mysterius ship Sylvius (hmm, that sounds familiar...). With the little intelligence they have gathered on the ship, Gisey tries to reconstruct what the ship may be like. Dio seems to know a lot about it, too.

Yeah Gisey.
Meanwhile, Millia is trying to fit in more in her new surroundings as she adjust to the people and lifestyle both outside the palace and in this new (to her) and lively little community.

In direct contrast to the lack of fluid storytelling in C3, Last Exile does a great job of really not having much happen, but still explaining so much. Little cues and interactions, etc. all help to fill a story rather than skip across its surface.

Now they look familiar.
But the end of the ep starts bring the two series together in rather slick fashion. This show is the only oe that has me genuinely excited each week. Awesome

who wears this to bed? the heck?
A few other interesting bits. Dio mentions Luciola. Is that Tatiana and her copilot. i think it is? Yes, the end of this episode we are standing at a nice turning point in the narrative that brings everything together in an exciting way.

Holy cow, is that a yuri subplot i see brewing?

Rating: A+

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